What does the Foundation do?
Welcome! You just joined something special.
The Las Lomitas Elementary School District (LLESD) is one of the most coveted school districts in California. Our award-winning schools (Las Lomitas and La Entrada), outstanding enrichment programs, and strong community support all make the LLESD an exceptional environment in which children flourish. Each of our schools is recognized for academic excellence and innovative programming and are consistently ranked among the top in the state. Maintaining this standard of excellence requires annual community support.
What is the Las Lomitas Education Foundation?
The mission of the Foundation is to raise funds to bridge the gap between public funding and the actual cost of a high-quality education. The Foundation is a non-profit, volunteer-run, community organization dedicated to fostering and enriching the tradition of educational excellence in the Las Lomitas Elementary School District.

Las Lomitas Education Foundation
More questions? Check out our FAQ below.
Why do we need a Foundation at a public school? Isn’t public education free?
Do other local public schools fundraise too?
How does an LLEF donation compare to tuition at private schools or preschools?
How can I get involved with the Las Lomitas Education Foundation?
Why do we need a Foundation at a public school? Isn’t public education free?
Public funding for schools in California is not sufficient to provide the exceptional education that we seek for our children. In fact, California schools are ranked 41st in the nation in per-student spending. Our District fares slightly better than many Districts in California because we are a “Basic Aid” or “Community Funded” district. This means that the majority of school revenue comes from property tax revenue. However, Proposition 13 in 1978 overhauled the way California property taxes were assessed by basing the tax rate on the property’s purchase price rather than the property’s assessed value. This tax reform dramatically lowered the total amount of money raised by counties and reduced expenditures for local police, fire, public libraries and public school education in California. Property tax revenue only covers 70% of the district’s operating budget.
How does my child benefit?
Your child, and all of our children, have benefited from the legacy of generous and consistent giving from district families and the community for nearly 30 years. Funds raised by the LLEF are used exclusively for the LLESD annual operating budget to support the hallmarks of a great LLESD education:
20% smaller classes led by exceptional teachers
When you go into your child’s classroom, take a look at how few children there are…somewhere between 18 and 24. Without Foundation support you’d see 32 children! Now take a moment to notice the one on one attention and innovative teaching methods our teachers use. Teachers can differentiate - providing intervention support to those that need it, accelerated paths for those that are ready for the challenge and everything in between.
Enhanced programs
Foundation funds allow our children to experience a wide breadth and depth of electives and non-state-mandated classes unique for a school our size. Exposure to these diverse topics fuels creativity and curiosity and helps our kids find their spark.
Educational excellence
Our District is committed to ensuring that our children develop the necessary skills for success in the future: critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. This includes keeping our teachers current and competitive in a changing world and implementing academic innovation. Our teachers participate in high-quality professional development around STEM and Next Generation Science Standards, Singapore Math, Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop, PE, creativity and design, and technology integration.
Do other local public schools fundraise too?
Our neighboring school districts including Woodside, Menlo Park, Portola Valley, Palo Alto, Ravenswood and Hillsborough all depend on their generous education foundations to bridge the funding gap between public funding and an exceptional education for their kids.
How does an LLEF donation compare to tuition at private schools or preschools?
Most private schools require non-tax deductible tuition of $24,000-$45,000 per year AND an annual donation! Even preschool costs $7,500- $15,000 per year. Your Foundation gift is 100% tax deductible and delivers a private-like education at a fraction of the cost. We’re the best deal in town!
How can I get involved with the Las Lomitas Education Foundation?
To find out more about volunteer opportunities, email us at president@llef.org. We are always looking for volunteers, across a variety of skills and interests. Volunteering with the Foundation doesn't require being at school during school hours.