Annual Giving Campaign Co-Chair
Annual Giving Campaign
With support from other Board members, coordinate recruitment and assignment of Foundation Ambassadors
Attend weekly 1-hour check-in meetings with LLEF Board and staff via zoom.
Work with Leadership Chair(s) to develop list of prospective families capable of donating $7,500>
Assist in developing marketing strategy to help secure matching grants from previous and new donors / companies.
Work with the operations team to schedule and coordinate mailings, challenge grants, phone appeals, and other AGC fundraising events throughout the year.
Work with Marketing team to develop messaging points throughout the year
Time Commitment
The hours per week vary depending on the time of the year. Spring and summer are relatively light, and require 1-2 hours per week. August and September are the planning and recruiting months, taking up about 3-4 hours per week. October to December are the busiest months during the campaign, and can require 5-8 hours per week of time. We understand our volunteers have limited time, and we appreciate any time you can give to support the Foundation, and we will work to make sure your time is used effectively and efficiently.